This property in Epe is guaranteed to give you 1000% returns on investment in 10 years.

You can sell each plot for 10 Times today's price

Dear Friend, 

If you want to become really wealthy with Real Estate, then there are 2 rules you must follow.

I’ll tell you about these rules, but first, let me tell you this true life story.

In December 2018, I received a call from a foreign number. 

This was not new to me because as someone who sells Real Estate, I receive a lot of calls from Nigerians in Diaspora who want to invest in Real Estate.

I was correct.

When I picked the call, the caller said his name was Paul and he had been watching my videos on YouTube.

He was very impressed with the kind of information I was giving out for free, and then he said the most shocking thing I had heard all year.

He said, 

‘‘I want to buy 10 acres of land in Epe, and I want you to help me’’

I was surprised.

At this time, I had not even started selling land in Epe.

I had not invested in Epe.

I only knew that Epe was the next big thing to happen to the Lekki-Epe Real Estate market but I had not taken any steps to invest.

So why would anyone want to buy 10 acres of land in Epe?

That is 60 plots of land.

Honestly, no one had ever asked me for that much land before.

Was he seeing what others were not seeing?

So I asked him why he wanted to buy that much land and what he wanted to use it for. 

I wanted to be sure that he knew what he wanted.

In the minutes that followed, he told me one of the saddest stories I have heard throughout my real estate career.

He said….

‘‘My brother, I don’t want to lose out on Epe the way I lost out on Lekki almost 20 years ago. Because with the way things are going, Epe will be the next big thing after Ibeju-lekki’’

I am 54 years old and I have seen a lot of things with my eyes.

He then said… 

‘‘In 2001, I sent money to my mother to buy me some plots of land somewhere in Lekki. 

I was much younger then, and the land was very cheap, so I didn’t bother about the area not being developed, I just gave her money to buy 4 plots.

She bought this land, and kept the documents for me.

I came back to Lagos the following year and decided to go see this land.

When I got there, I was very angry. 

The land was not a dry land, it was water logged and the place didn’t seem like it was going to develop anytime soon.

I felt I had wasted my money.

I felt it would make more sense if I had used the money to buy land on the mainland.

So I told them to refund my money.

Eventually they sold the land and returned my money.

I collected the money and used it to buy 2 plots of land in Gowon Estate around Ipaja.

I built on one plot and kept the second one.

I felt I had made a better investment.

My brother, if I had listened to my mother and kept that land, by now I would be selling one plot for nothing less than 100million naira.

Imagine if I still had the 4 plots together, is that not 400million naira?

But the land I bought in Gowon estate, I can’t even sell it for more than 25million naira right now.

So I told myself that I will never make that mistake again’’

….and he was right about Epe.

He was very right!

I’ll tell you how.

I found 10 acres of land for him in a town called Ilara in Epe and we negotiated to pay for the land over a period of 1 year at the rate of 450 thousand naira per plot.

That was a total of 27 million naira for the entire 60 plots.

On the 28th of December, 2018, he paid 10million naira as deposit for this land and collected his documents.

By June 2019, he completed the remaining payments, collected the final receipt and fenced the land.

Now this is the interesting part.

Just less than 4 years after, in March 2022, he sold 15 plots from the 60 plots he bought at the rate of 1.5million naira per plot.

He made 22.5million naira from that sale.

Almost the cost of the 60 plots of land he bought, and he still had 45 plots of land left to sell.

He could decide to wait another 5 years and sell another 5 plots, and he would make about 25 million naira from those 5 plots.

That means he would be making back all the money he invested, with a profit of 20.5million naira.

…and he would still have 40 plots of land left to sell at pure profit.

He could decide to sell, or keep the land and give it to his children.

Or build on one plot and keep the rest.

Whatever he decides to do, it’s his business.

He has invested in an asset that will make him wealthy for life if he manages it well because he followed 2 simple rules.

What I call the golden rules of investing in Real Estate.

  1. Buy when the price is low and sell when it’s high.
  2.  Invest in the direction of human migration. In simple words, go where people are going.


Now, I don’t have 10 acres of land to give to you in Epe, because I have to keep some for myself too.

But this offer I am about to give you is guaranteed to make you 1000% returns on your investment in 10 years, if you take it today.

Infact, I’m going to give you 3 offers and you can pick the one that suits your budget and Investment appetite at this time.

Don’t procrastinate.


In January, we launched a new property with huge potential for capital appreciation in Epe and we called it The Phoenix.

It is a 20-acre expanse of dry land, laid out into 3 different plot sizes;

300 square meters

400 square meters

…and 600 square meters

This property is located in a town called Tomoba and is a stone-throw from the popular Augustine University.

We have marked out 60 plots of land from this expanse of land to be sold to investors and we have sold 27 plots already

Now, if you know anything about Epe, you will know that lands in Epe have appreciated by an average of 350% in the last 4 years and this is due to the investments that have been springing up in and around this town, both from the government and private investors.

The Lekki International Airport 

The Lagos State Food Security and Logistics Hub 

The Alaro City

The Lagos Film City 

…and other investments.

Now I am giving you these 3 offers so you can choose which ones fits your investment needs and budget.

All Cost Inclusive, No Extra Cost


1,250,000 Naira

An Initial Deposit of N250,000 and spread balance for 6 months at ZERO INTEREST.
Get your contract of sale, receipts and a provisional allocation of your plot after your initial deposit.
Buy 2 to 5 plots and get a 10% discount on your purchase.
Buy 6 plots and get 1 free.

1,700,000 Naira

An Initial Deposit of N500,000 and spread balance for 6 months at ZERO INTEREST.
Get your contract of sale, receipts and a provisional allocation of your plot after your initial deposit.
Buy 2 to 5 plots and get a 10% discount on your purchase.
Buy 6 plots and get 1 free.

2,600,000 Naira

An Initial Deposit of N500,000 and spread balance for 6 months at ZERO INTEREST.
Get your contract of sale, receipts and a provisional allocation of your plot after your initial deposit.
Buy 2 to 5 plots and get a 10% discount on your purchase.
Buy 6 plots and get 1 free.

Offer valid till 5th of April

But from now until the 5th of April, you can lock down a 300sqm plot with N250,000  or N500,000 for the other plot sizes and you can spread the balance for 6 months at ZERO INTEREST.

Once you make this deposit of N250,000 or N500,000 depending on your plot size, you will get a contract of sale, your receipts and a provisional allocation of your plot, that means you will be able to pick your plot.

But it even gets sweeter

If you decide to buy more than one plot, let’s say you buy between 2 and 5 plots, we will give you a 10% discount on your purchase.

No matter the plot size you choose.

That’s not even the best part.

If you think it makes more sense to invest in large quantities and you decide to buy 6 plots at once, I’m going to give you an extra plot for FREE. 

This means you’ll be getting 7 plots for the price of 6.

Imagine selling just 3 of those plots at 15 million naira per plot, 10 years from now.

The best part of this offer is that by the time you will be done paying for your plot of land, the value of your land would have appreciated. 

The next question on your mind should be, so at what point do I get to take possession of my land?

That’s simple!

Exactly One Month After You Make Your Final Payment, you will be taken to the site and you can start fencing your plot land immediately.

So what should you do now?

Step 01

  1. Pick a plot size you want to buy

Step 02

Decide on the number of plots you think you want.

Step 03

Fill the form to contact our consultant and we will reach out to you so you can inspect the property.

Fill The Form Below To Book Site Inspection & Free Consultation